Harassment And Abuse
Note: If you currently feel unsafe in Enspiral's communication channels, please immediately e-mail foundation@enspiral.com .
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, seek local law enforcement.
Be mindful of the damage which misunderstandings and misleading personal accusations can create. However, if you think you've been seriously harmed by any of the following behaviors, we encourage you to use the Conflict Resolution Guide to address the issue, or report a complaint to authorities.
In serious cases if you are found to act in ways prohibited by this agreement you may be asked to leave Enspiral through a formal proposal as per our Decisions Agreement.
Warning Signs of Harassment or Abuse
Threatening or inciting violence towards any persons or groups
Deliberate intimidation
Unwelcome personal attention
Unwelcome sharing of private information
Unwelcome sharing of private communications, except to report complaints
Jokes related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion
Jokes regarding a person's lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and employment.
Gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behaviour
Reporting Concerns and Complaints
Our Conflict Resolution Guide can be used to address all specific concerns and complaints. Additionally, our Decisions Agreement allows Enspiral participants to be removed by formal proposal. Such proposals are strongly recommended in any well-evidenced claims of harassment or abuse. If you find yourself in a situation where you have pursued all the options available here and your concern is yet unresolved email foundation@enspiral.com.
If you have a complaint made against you, you will have access to the same Enspiral resources as the accuser. Please use the Conflict Resolution Guide and related resources.
Our stance against "victim-blaming"
In all shared activities, and especially in cases of unwanted personal attention, Enspiral stands for relationships based upon the active ongoing consent of participants.
All Enspiral participants are expected
to support our personal rights: freedom of expression, freedom from discrimination, and consent-based interactions.
Related Agreements
Related Guidelines
Last updated
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