Ventures are businesses, organisations and projects launched from within Enspiral Network. At the moment developing ventures is no longer an active part of Enspiral.
Here are Enspiral companies contributing to the network:
- Dev Academy - trains devs to be job ready. We focus on the whole person, with an approach to education that will challenge you and change your future. Unlike university, we're not all tests and grades - you train under the guidance of industry experts, coding every day, and graduating with the skills of an entry level web developer.
- Optimi - helps nonprofit and mission-driven orgs to reduce tech overwhelm. Includes building and managing systems, knowledge, using off the shelf web apps and low code tools to optimise workflows so they can reduce their ops time and increase their impact!
- Loomio - a collaboration platform radically transforming how groups make decisions, discuss ideas and collaborate online. Say goodbye to tedious meetings and inbox-clogging emails and try Loomio’s decision-making tools for free!
- Greatherthan - on a mission to increase awareness of participatory practices, and make self-management and decentralized governance the clear choice for organizations.
Have a look into the archive to learn more about Enspiral Ventures.