Status_: Merging with Kumara Node__
Why we exist.
We are a small group of members and contributors committed to our yearly gatherings and – increasingly – all of Enspiral's vital gatherings, year round.
Our work is to care for the heartbeat of Enspiral.
Our work is to create and hold space for connection and cultivation and nurturance, to ground our work and give it wings.
Our work is essentially manaakitanga (defined here as hospitality, kindness, generosity, support…) and the work that creates the conditions in which another's mana may grow.
Membership and Participation
Each gathering will typically have its own crew, or "project group". The core members of this Working Group are committed to participate in the pods for the next two gatherings (Winter Retreat 2019 and Summer Fest 2020) and seek to establish the foundations for future retreat pods to better and more easily run our key gatherings. This also means cultivating a sustainable Working Group and planning for our own succession.
Current Core Members
john gieryn
Doris Zuur
Lucia Die Gil
Carolyn Taueki-Stott
Crew Members
Don Smith (Summer Fest 2021)
Melina Chan (Summer Fest 2021)
Mikey Williams (Summer Fest 2021 Party subcrew)
Christina Curley (Winter Retreat 2021 Venue & Date selection crew)
Advisors and other support
Gina Rembe
Joshua Vial
Get involved
We are always open for input, be it feedback observations about things that could work better, or (constructive) gripes.
The window for joining a gatherings pod opens well in advance of each gathering; these announcements are posted to our slack channel and typically into Working Groups subgroup of Loomio or the network-wide one.
Communications and Rhythm
Slack channel:
Rhythm: we meet regularly, fortnightly or monthly depending on how close the next gathering is, with short hiatus after Summer Retreat
Our main slack channel is public
Feedback is solicited in other channels as appropriate
Loomio posts are made for advice process and in accordance with any significant decisions
Every yearly gathering has a report
Last updated
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